5 Nordic Dog Breeds

If you want to get a Nordic dog you have to pay close attention to their needs, as they cannot stand the heat and require intense daily physical activity.
5 Nordic dog breeds

Thanks to their thick fur, Nordic dogs are able to withstand very low temperatures. In the freezing environments in which they live, they often find work as sled shooters.

They are easy to recognize and identify animals thanks to the amount of hair, which allows them to resist cold and snow without problems.

In this article we will tell you about some Nordic dog breeds .

What are the Nordic dog breeds?

Although they can be encountered all over the world nowadays, Nordic dog or snow dog breeds originate in cold places. Precisely for this reason they are characterized by a thick fur and are ideal for pulling sleds. Here are some of them:

1. Siberian Husky

We could not begin this list of Nordic breeds without starting with the most famous of all. The Siberian Husky, pictured in the photo that opens this article, was created by a tribe as a pet, for hunting deer, for pulling sleds and for keeping children warm.

Wolf-like in appearance, this dog is medium in size, possessing a thick coat of white color with black and brown spots and, in most cases, blue eyes. As for habits, it is an intelligent animal, which howls instead of barking and who likes to live in a group and has a high resistance to physical effort.

3. Samoyed

Did you know this dog is known as “always smiling”? This is because of its snout. It is a breed from the north of Russia, born alongside nomadic shepherds to help them in herding, pull sleds and warm their owners during cold nights, just like husky does.


The Samoyed is entirely white (with a double coat of hair), with the exception of the nose and eyes, which are black in color. Another distinctive feature is the tail, which it holds curled like a “hook” on its back. They are a very active dog, not ideal as they look and they keep their joviality well into old age.

3. Alaskan malamute

It is one of the oldest dogs in charge of pulling sleds. Wolf-like in appearance and capable of pulling large loads for tens of kilometers. The coat is usually gray, black and white, the tail folds over the back, and the ears are pointed.

Alaskan Malamute

As for behavior, the Alaskan malamute is playful, loyal to the owner and protector of children.

He loves to spend a lot of time outdoors, he is an intrepid, very energetic dog and likes to go around in packs.

4. Norsk elghund gray

This is one of the Nordic dog breeds that originated in Norway, where this animal is considered the national dog. Elghund means “moose hunter”, a name given to him to recall his first functions.

Norwegian Elkhound

Nowadays it is still used in hunting, but also in herding, as a guardian or defense dog. An animal very resistant to exercise and low temperatures, known for its courage and not to fear even larger animals. The coat is gray, black and white, and the body is compact and robust.

5. Karelian bear dog

The last Nordic dog breed we will examine is native to Karelia, a region of Finland, and was used since the beginning for hunting (especially bears, hence the name). Its thick black fur with white spots allows it to adapt to the harsh Scandinavian climatic conditions.

Karelian bear dog

This breed is very old, medium in size, sturdy and strong, with upright rounded ears, large, arched tail. It is a brave, agile and very tenacious dog. All his senses are highly developed, but sight and smell above all.

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