Beaches And Swimming Pools: Dog Safety

Beaches and swimming pools: dog safety

We look forward to summer, good weather, longer days, light meals and most of all the holidays.

Many are dying to step on the warm sand of the beaches again and then dive into the sea, while others can’t wait to go and cool off in the swimming pool.

If you have a pet and decide to share this type of relaxation with him, you will need to keep in mind a number of issues to ensure the safety of the pet both on the beach and in the pool.

Knowing how to swim is essential for the safety of the dog


Many people are convinced that dogs can swim instinctively. It is true that, if thrown into the water, these animals are able to instinctively move their legs and float, but from here to knowing how to swim there is an abyss.

There are breeds that are naturally more inclined to swimming and others for which swimming is more difficult, and which are sometimes even unable to learn. First of all, therefore, make sure if your dog is one of those who struggle the most or not.

Later you can help him become familiar with the water by letting him play games, always keeping an eye on that everything runs safely. As soon as your dog feels like a real fish in the water, you can finally take him with you to the pool or to the beach.

Dog safety in the pool

First of all, it should be noted that if you do not have your own swimming pool in the garden, it will be difficult for your dog to bathe. There are not many municipal swimming pools or other establishments that allow access to animals.

But if you are one of those lucky ones who own a swimming pool, then your dog will have no obstacles.

To ensure your dog’s safety in the pool, keep these tips in mind:

  • Protection. It is good that your dog can access the pool only in your presence. Therefore, the ideal is to surround the pool with a fence that the animal cannot climb over, so that it does not run the risk of falling into the water and drowning.
  • Your presence. Although your dog can swim well, never leave him alone in the pool.
  • Capacity. It is good to check in advance how good your dog is for swimming, if he is able to get out of the pool on his own and what his stamina is.
  • Chlorine. Be very careful with the chlorine used in swimming pools and the length of time your dog is immersed in the water, as chlorine and other similar chemicals used to keep the water clean can be harmful to the pet.

    Dog safety on the beach


    One of the main problems when taking your dog to the beach is finding a dog-friendly beach, since most bathing areas do not provide access to pets, especially during the summer months.

    But fear not, beaches where access is allowed do exist, and once you have identified one, keep these tips in mind to ensure your dog’s safety:

    • Supervision. As in the case of the swimming pool, you will not have to lose sight of the dog even for a moment, neither when it is in the water nor when it goes out. You will have to make sure that it does not disturb the rest of the bathers in any way.
    • Sole. Try to find a place in the shade so that the dog can protect himself from the sun, otherwise he could suffer damage to the skin; You can buy sunscreen against the effects of the sun’s rays, especially if your dog is short-haired.
    • Go to a veterinary pharmacy for advice on the most suitable ointment.
    • Hydration. Give your pet water to drink constantly so he doesn’t get dehydrated. Of course, don’t make him drink sea water, as this could cause him severe digestive problems.
    • Hygiene. It is essential not to allow the animal to do its business in the water or on the sand. To make sure this doesn’t happen, stick to established walking routines and make sure they find a suitable spot to defecate and urinate.
    • Don’t forget to collect his droppings as you always do.

      Going to the beach or swimming pool accompanied by your pet can be an incredibly pleasant experience, but always remember not to neglect the safety of the animal.

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