How To Choose The Most Suitable Shampoo For Your Dog

How to choose the right shampoo for your dog

To bathe your dog, you need to choose a product that is suitable for his coat and skin type. This way you will not only avoid annoying irritation, but you can brush it more easily. Here’s how to choose the most suitable shampoo for your four-legged friend’s hygiene.

Each dog has its own shampoo


The first thing to know is that, no matter how good your shampoo is, you should never use it to wash your dog. Doing so, in fact, will cause him an irritation of the skin. The reason is that the pH of humans is different from that of dogs. So what is good for one is not suitable for the other.

Your dog needs a specific product. At the same time, as each animal is different, you will have to buy the right shampoo. The choice depends on the length and type of hair, as well as the characteristics of the skin.

The vet is the best person to contact. He will advise you on the most suitable product and will give you further information on how to bathe your dog correctly.

Find out the most suitable product for your dog

The pet products market is expanding and specializing more and more. Let’s start from the principle that, first of all, we  need a good quality product if we want to avoid damaging the fur and skin of the animal.

You can start by using a generic product. Then, with the help of your vet, you will find the right shampoo for your dog. Eg:

  • Long-haired dogs require a detangling product, which will help you brush their coat smoothly after a bath.
  • Short-haired animals, on the other hand, need a nutritional product suitable for the thickness of the hair.
  • Dogs with dark fur can gain added shine with an aloe vera shampoo. This option can also be useful when the dog is suffering from itching.

Other types of dog shampoo

Other products to consider when choosing are: 

  • Anti- hair loss shampoo, for animals that shed a lot of hair.
  • Shampoo for white-haired dogs, to prevent them from taking on a yellowish color.
  • Oat shampoo for dogs with dry, flaky skin, dandruff or mild allergy.

    Also, from time to time you can bathe it with an anti-parasite product, to eliminate fleas and ticks.

    Tips for bathing your dog

    When you bathe your dog, in addition to soaping it well, remember to rinse it carefully to remove any residual shampoo. After the bath, to keep the hair beautiful, do not forget to brush it.

    For a more refined touch, on the market you will find detanglers, conditioners and products of all kinds to offer the dog an additional cuddle.

    If you are not bathing the dog and you prefer to delegate the task to a professional, make sure you give the groomer the precise instructions on the shampoo to use. This way your four-legged friend will show off a shiny coat and won’t suffer from irritation.

    Make bathing a pleasant experience for your dog as well


    After all these considerations, also take into account the opinion of the dog. Maybe some shampoos smell unpleasant to him, however good it may seem to you. Don’t forget that we are different species and tastes cannot be the same.

    To this you must add that the dog’s sense of smell is very developed and perceives smells much more than we do. What for us is a fine fragrance can become a strong smell for the dog, if not a stink.

    So, in order not to subject the animal to an unpleasant experience, observe how it reacts to the shampoo, even if it is a product that is sold with a thousand guarantees and recommendations.

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