The Narwhal: The Unicorn Of The Seas

The narwhal: the unicorn of the seas

It has the appearance of a mythological animal, in reality it is an extraordinary being that populates our oceans. Often, many define it as “unicorn of the seas” and, due to its nature, it is very difficult to approach and study it. Many aspects of this strange animal will surprise you, such as the fact that not all specimens have the characteristic horn (more correctly called “tusk”). So let’s get to know the narwhal, scientifically known as Monodon monoceros .

Characteristics of the narwhal

The narwhal belongs to the cetacean family and is closely related to the beluga. Which means it is a marine mammal with teeth. It is part of the whale family and is characterized by a huge horn that protrudes from the front of the head. It is actually a tooth that can exceed two meters in length, commonly called a “fang”.

Males and females have slightly different bodies. As adults, males weigh an average of 1600 kg, while females only weigh up to 1,000. A female has a length of about 4 meters and is a bit smaller than male counterparts, which can reach almost five meters.

An interesting aspect is that the narwhal changes color throughout its life. As soon as they are born, these fantastic mammals show a gray tone with different dark spots for each specimen. These spots stop appearing when the animal is over two years of age. On the contrary, those already present continue to grow over time, until they take on a darker color, close to black. This epidermal process ends when the dark spots cover the narwhal’s thick, sturdy skin completely and fairly evenly .

The unicorn of the seas

What is the difference with other whales? First of all, the narwhal lacks the typical dorsal fin, a feature it shares with belugas. However, it has a crest that measures up to one meter in length.

Its most striking feature is the huge fang in front of its head. This tusk can reach three meters and weigh more than 10 kilograms. It is a typical physical element in males, as females never develop it.

Until recently, it was not known why the narwhal used its fang. It was believed that it served to orient in the vast ocean, like an antenna. Some scientists even went so far as to say that this screwed horn was used by the animal to break the thin ice. Recent research has instead revealed that it is a real weapon. The narwhal uses its fang to hunt: it stuns the fish by moving it very quickly, then eating it.

Behavior of the narwhal

The narwhal is a sociable mammal that lives and moves in packs. During the winter, these social groups appear to consist of just 2-9 individuals. On the contrary, in the summer, the narwhals migrate south to form huge agglomerations with hundreds or thousands of individuals.

It should be noted that narwhals are particularly noisy cetaceans. Many other species of whales hardly produce sounds, but narwhals not only communicate constantly thanks to sounds, but use them as a real alphabet.

In particular, they produce regular sounds at different intervals. It is believed that they are used as a locating tool, a bit like dolphins. During various studies, wheezing and other sounds have been detected that are actually just communications between individuals. In short, the narwhal is able to modulate these sounds, originating and exploiting a very complex language.

How do you get food? In relation to his diet, this excellent swimmer goes in search of food at the bottom of the sea. It dives in immersion for over 30 minutes, being able to reach even 800 meters below sea level. Together with its cousin sperm whale, the narwhal is one of the mammals that reaches the highest depths in diving.

The habitat of the narwhal

The narwhal is found in a very specific area of ​​the planet. In winter, it lives in the icy waters surrounding the North Pole: Northern Canada, the seas of Greenland and in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, in Russia. In summer, the specimens migrate south and have been seen in some fjords or in some coves in southern Canada.

It is well known that, before, these fascinating marine mammals lived in warm waters but, with evolution, they have moved to areas of the ocean that offer much lower temperatures. Their habitat is therefore very limited and, generally, it is known that the population of narwhals is very small. They are declared as an endangered species, although they hardly become prey. As usual, only humans threaten its survival, especially the Inuit hunters.

What does narwhal eat?

The narwhal is a carnivorous animal and feeds on crustaceans and fish, especially cod. It may decide to hunt by following the schools of fish on the surface, but it usually prefers to dive to feed on the creatures that inhabit the seabed.

The most intense time of hunting takes place especially when winter begins, when the groups of narwhals complete the migration northwards, in search of colder waters. Due to the presence of ice, in fact, its diet undergoes a forced stop due to the lesser presence of prey. It must be said, however, that it has a very slow metabolism: the digestion of ingested fish and crustaceans can take weeks or months.

The narwhal is another critically endangered cetacean species, but fortunately a number of solutions are being put into practice to preserve the species and ensure its survival. Although it is difficult to study and get to know them closely, in recent years the population of narwhals appears to be quite stable. Its worst enemy is not another animal, but man and, in particular, pollution.

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