Anatomy Of The Greyhound: The Secret Of Its Speed

Greyhound anatomy: the secret of its speed

The greyhound is known to be one of the fastest dogs in existence. Many people wonder why this is so. Some claim that its use in hunting has enhanced this ability, but the truth is that the answer to this question is based on the anatomy of this beautiful living being. Would you like to know more? Read on!

Greyhound anatomy: why does it run so fast?

At first glance it is possible to notice its tapered and long legs, like an Olympic marathon runner, its low weight and its long and slender body. These elements of the physique would already be enough reasons to explain why greyhounds can run faster than other breeds. But let’s analyze some interesting details, more in depth.

The body of the Greyhound

His body weight isn’t the only reason Greyhounds are so insanely fast. Above all it is because of its physiognomy. Its entire physical structure possesses an aerodynamic shape, and the breed appears to have been created to slice through the air and reach great speeds.

a gray greyhound runs across a meadow

The heart of the Greyhounds

The heart of the greyhound is larger than that of any other breed, a record that stands out more in the eyes when considered in proportion to that of a human being. What advantage does this animal derive from having such a big heart ? Very simple: it can beat many more times and much faster than that of another dog, so it offers greater resistance and faster pumping in the arterial system.

His blood

Because the heart is larger than normal, the greyhound has a greater amount of blood to pump to this vital organ, which makes it capable of burning more oxygen. In this way, its resistance during competitions is greater.

His paws

Its legs, although thin, are very strong and long, which allows it to take a big push in the race. If you see a greyhound pushing on its legs, you will notice that its position is similar to that of a kangaroo, because the length of its extremities allows you to make the most of the thrust of the front and rear, increasing the motive force of the animal.

a small Italian greyhound standing in the garden

This characteristic movement that the greyhound makes constantly, while running, helps him to reach incredible speeds and also to maintain that pace for as long as he wants.

The contraction of the muscles of the Greyhound

In the speed of the greyhound they also affect the work of his muscles, because they have the ability to contract powerfully and quickly. The proportion of its head to the body, which is small, allows the animal to maintain the necessary balance despite its rapid movements together with the tail and neck .

The position of the head

His head is attached to the neck at a right angle, so, with slight movements, he can tilt it to the point he wants. Its center of gravity changes only by turning slightly to the right or left, displaying a brutal agility that is not attainable by other animals. Not even in other racing dogs.

The tail of the Greyhounds

The greyhound tail, in addition to helping to find and maintain balance during the rapid contraction of the muscles, favors the arching of the back, which is necessary to slow down or speed up. The length of the tail is very useful in the realization of these movements.

As you can see, whether these dogs are fast depends on their shape. The greyhound’s anatomy is designed precisely to allow it to exploit every inch of the body, transforming it into one of the fastest living beings in the world. That is why it has been used as a hunting and racing dog for years. For these two activities, there is no better breed.

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