We Know Games For Smart Dogs

We know the games for smart dogs

Dogs are said to be among the smartest animals in the world. However, as with people, their intelligence needs to be enhanced. So, in this article we will tell you about various techniques that will help boost the intelligence of your furry friends.

To what extent do they understand intelligent dogs?

game for smart dogs

Although they do not speak, intelligent dogs can understand up to 165 words, and even some of our gestures. It is an extraordinary thing, because they are not part of their usual language.

A member of the American Psychological Association said that   dogs are also able to understand math – that is, they can solve small problems related to numbers. Doesn’t that seem incredible to you?

Your 4-legged friend also has these skills, but they must be developed in order to become one of the intelligent dogs. The question is: how to do it?

Games for smart dogs

Now we are going to tell you about some simple games to play, some even indoors, that will help your dog to have developed intellectual skills.

  1. Grab me! Your pet will love this exercise very much. It is very easy, you can do it at home. You just need a long stick to which you can tie a half-meter rope with a stuffed animal attached to it. Hide behind a wall and place the cane on the ground showing it to your dog. Move him to get his attention and when he gets close, try not to let him catch him. He will look for new ways to grasp it, making the brain work.
  2. What are you listening to? This game consists in making him relate a sound to a caress. Before stroking it, you must make a noise so that the dog, after several attempts, can recognize which side the caress is coming from and act instinctively against, (in a playful way) or in favor of it.
  3. Canine hide and seek. Your dog does not yet have the ability to hide to be found by you. The game is about hiding food around the house, something that he can smell. You have to put obstacles that he will have to overcome on the path, such as boxes, shoes, etc. There is only one condition if you want him to be a smart dog: don’t make it easy for him.
  4. Sitting! While it seems like an easy thing to teach because many dogs know how to do it, it isn’t. An animal that learned to sit was able to identify gestures and understand words. How can this be done?

Look your dog in the eye and tell him the word you use to make him sit. It is usually much easier to use the English word “sit”, as it is easier for them to understand monosyllable words. As you pronounce it, gently touch his backside, to let him know that this sound has to do with this part of the body.

These games will help you develop your friend’s intelligence and strengthen your bond with him. But as with everything to do with smart dog training, it takes patience, perseverance and love. Courage!

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