A Depressed Dog Can Commit Suicide

A depressed dog can commit suicide

Depression is such a delicate state of mind that sufferers can commit suicide. Sometimes, in fact, these people reach a level of depression such as to see in this extreme gesture the only possible way out to be able to solve a difficult situation.

While it may seem strange, this problem does not only affect humans, but dogs as well. For example, dogs that have experienced situations that have made them suffer a lot, such as the death of their owner, various forms of abuse or abandonment, can be victims of depression.

If you want to know more about this delicate situation, we will talk about it a little more in depth below.

Why do dogs commit suicide?

Cane appoggiato ad un libro
Author: Soggydan Benenovitch

First of all, it is important to point out that, according to various scientific studies, the dog is a domesticated wolf: this change has brought with it various consequences, including the fact that the animal feels much more stressed and only when it lives in the city. compared to when he lived in a herd with his fellows, far from human presence.

Furthermore, the dog, unlike the wolf, cannot let off steam by howling, but through barking, which more than being helpful, generates further anxiety.

In short, dogs find it difficult to maintain an emotional balance when something alters them,  which can lead to a deep depression, which in most cases becomes acute when the owner is absent, temporarily or permanently.

When these animals feel particularly afflicted, they develop a self-destructive tendency that deprives them of any interest. Since nothing can arouse any emotion in them, the first thing they lose is their appetite: they stop accepting food and literally let themselves die of hunger.

What are the most common signs?

When dogs are going through a time of great stress and depression, they manifest their discomfort through a series of symptoms. The most common are:

  • Compulsive licking: If your furry friend is depressed, you will see him licking himself continuously for long moments to try to calm down. Unfortunately, far from being a healthy practice, it risks getting very hurt, causing painful wounds and injuries such as lick dermatitis.
  • Inability to feel pleasure.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Total disinterest in everything, which also manifests itself through the lack of affection.
  • A depressed dog sleeps many more hours than normal and stops doing any physical activity.

How can we help a depressed dog?

If your dog is in these conditions, it is important to think that the animal is going through a phase in which it needs the affection and attention of its owner more than ever.

man on bicycle with dog on a leash

Here are some useful tips to help your four-legged friend overcome depression:

  • While it may seem incredible to you, playing some soothing music can be of great help to your dog, as it will help him distract himself and regain his former mood.
  • If the dog has lost a being dear to him, the best thing to do is to remove him from the place that causes him so much desolation and temporarily take him somewhere else. If, for example, his master has died, the best thing is to offer him a new accommodation and a new family, to start from scratch.
  • It is also important to be attentive to the needs that the dog manifests, as well as to talk to him more often. Communication with your furry friend is essential to help him overcome such a dark emotional state, as he considers you his master and the fact that you are giving him attention is a gesture of incalculable value.

Just like humans, dogs too, when they fall into depression, have an urgent need for attention: therefore you will have to give them as much time as possible, so as not to further worsen the situation.

Our four-legged friends need to know that they are not alone and that they can count on our unconditional love, the only real medicine that can cure them of depression.

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