10 Tips For Raising A Balanced Dog

10 tips for raising a balanced dog

A balanced dog is a happy dog. And, in order to be such, feel good and live a full life, these pets need a series of attentions that allow them to fully develop, both physically and psychologically. In this article we will show you ten tips for raising and raising a healthy and balanced dog.

What does it take to have a balanced dog?

A balanced family

In order to be happy, the dog must feel part of a pack. Inside, its members respect and love each other. If the home environment is not adequate, or if relationships are tense, the animal will end up suffering from stress and will hardly be able to live peacefully. Just like his masters.

Establish rules and limits from an early age

Similarly, to have a balanced dog you need discipline. Yes, from the first years of life, from when they are simple puppies, these animals must be used to learning, and respecting, a few simple rules. Get used to giving clear and unambiguous orders, pronounced with a firm voice and a serious tone. Shouting wildly is not the right solution, on the contrary, it can have counterproductive effects. Never lose control; each order must have only one word (“Yes”, “No”, “Sit down”, “Eat”). Also avoid confusing your dog with orders that are too complicated or that the animal is unable to fulfill.

Ten tips for raising a balanced dog

Exercises and physical activity

This is a key factor if you want to have a balanced dog. Taking it for a walk five minutes in the morning and five in the evening does not respect the normal needs of an animal born to run and explore the world. Remember that the dog needs to walk long distances and, in some breeds, even run several times a day. As a starting point, we recommend at least two outings lasting no less than 45 minutes each. Even better if, while walking or running, the animal has the opportunity to interact with other dogs and people.

Affection, pampering and socialization

More than other pets, dogs have an existential need for physical contact. Massages, scratching, cuddles… Having a dog at home means dedicating time, affection, through play and other useful activities to develop their intelligence and maintain a correct state of form.

The ability to develop a sociable character will depend on the habit of interacting with other races and people. It therefore becomes essential to  get used to socialization from the first months of life, to build an open and little conflictual personality.


After a long walk or on the sidelines of an intense day of play, your dog will need to recover the energy spent. A break, a necessary and very important rest. It is a moment that must not be interrupted, even better if it is spent in a special place.

It is important that you learn about the times of your four-legged friend. There is a time to play and another to rest. Don’t be pushy if you notice your pet tired.

Proper nutrition

To feel healthy and strong, a dog must be getting the right amounts of nutrients and vitamins. A requirement necessary to keep your four-legged friend in optimal shape. We are not just talking about muscles and aesthetics. Above all we refer to the dog’s ability to protect itself from possible diseases and infections. A healthy animal has a more effective immune system that will allow it to avoid serious problems, such as scabies. Try to avoid carbohydrate abuse and keep weight gain in check. Quality feed and baby food, with a diet recommended by the veterinarian, are certainly the first steps to follow.

Adequate hydration

Just like nutrition, hydration is another crucial element in raising a balanced dog. Change the water frequently, always clean and drinkable, avoiding it being exposed to the sun’s rays. Especially in the summer, make sure the animal has access to greater quantities of this.

Remember it’s a dog

We must never humanize the animal. Even if we are talking about very intelligent mammals with an “almost human” look, it is important that you allow your friend to live for what he is: a dog. Learn to accept his behaviors and some pranks, without expecting him to have behaviors that do not belong to him. Respect it for its nature and don’t mistake it for something it isn’t (and never can be).

To live peacefully in its environment and territory, the dog needs to smell, explore and mark everything with body fluids. It is something instinctive and that can never be moderated or controlled.

the ten tips for raising a balanced dog

Positive reinforcement

It has been widely demonstrated that in order to effectively educate a dog, you can leverage positive reinforcement. A reward for every good deed that is done, such as an executed order or a respected prohibition. You will always have to avoid violence. In the first place it is completely useless and, in particular, it only generates distrust and fear in your pet. With the danger, then, of developing and enticing violent and aggressive attitudes and behaviors.

Relaxation activities for a balanced dog

As with some hyperactive children, there are dogs whose energy never seems to run out. In order to overcome these situations, which can exceed anxiety and stress, a healthy massage can have surprising results. In situations of this type, always choose to calm the animal, to bring it back to a state of tranquility.

In short, we have seen that there is no magic recipe for having a healthy and happy dog. A balanced dog is the result of a balanced family environment. The personality, defects and behaviors of dogs are a mere reflection of the habits of its owners.

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