Giraffe: Characteristics, Behavior And Habitat

Giraffe: characteristics, behavior and habitat

You may remember the feeling you had the first time you saw a giraffe, on TV or even in reality. This tall and elegant animal is one of the most fascinating mammals that inhabit the Earth. Probably because it is absolutely unique and particular, compared to other animals. Would you like to know more?

In this article we will show you characteristics and curiosities of giraffes, where they live and what their behavior is. Are they being peaceful, friendly, or should you be afraid of them ? Let’s find out together!

Everything you need to know about the giraffe


Giraffes are the tallest mammals in the world due to their distinctive long neck and slender legs. The paw of a giraffe measures about 180 centimeters like a man, in short, far exceeds the average height of humans (165 cm). They are a great support to escape from predators, as they allow the giraffe to reach 56 km / h  in running and 16 km / h over long distances.

a pair of giraffes drink in a pond in the savannah

What is the famous elongated neck for ? Undoubtedly, to eat the leaves of the trees that these animals find on their way. It is said that they eat hundreds of leaves a week and have a hard time finding them. Sometimes they have to travel several kilometers to feed. They have a tongue that measures 53 centimeters, another evolutionary advantage for reaching, more easily, the most inaccessible plants.

They tend to live in groups and the herds usually consist of 6 individuals. Their body measures between 3.8 and 4.7 meters, to which we must add the tail, which varies between 78 and 100 centimeters. They usually weigh between 0.6 and 1.9 tons.

Those two strange horns that pop up on the head are called ossicones. They are much more pronounced bony horns in males than in females. This further lengthens the giraffe’s stature.

The coat is short with brown tones, mottled with spots of a darker color than its background. On the head we find a rounded crest that gives them a very jovial and fun touch.

Its long tongue usually features blue or black tones. With it, they “embrace” the food and bring it to their mouths. A very useful tool, like a kind of arm.

Its habitat

Everyone knows that the home of the giraffes is Africa. Here they always live in open meadows with only a few trees, which allow them to feed and identify predators, being able to escape if necessary.

Behavior of the giraffe

A little while ago we mentioned the size of the herds of giraffes, which range from 6 to 20 individuals. The members of the social group are mostly female, with only one young male to promote procreation.

some giraffes with an elephant beside them

If it needs to escape from a predator, it can reach up to 60 kilometers per hour. Males fight each other to be the pack leader and make sounds similar to the mooing of cows. This way, they can warn each other if a lion or another hunter approaches. They are also used by mothers to identify puppies, especially if they have strayed too far.

They are shy animals, so they always try to avoid confrontations. But if cornered or threatened, especially if someone threatens the puppies, they harness the full power of their legs and hooves, which can be lethal.

Their height helps them identify dangers over long distances and warn other pack members. It is believed that they are always on the lookout for food and never sleep, but this is not true. They rest but only for very short periods, at most they sleep for 20 minutes.

What do you think of this majestic animal? They are herbivorous and totally peaceful beings , so if you have the opportunity to meet one in person, do not be afraid to approach or feed them, you can easily win the  trust of the giraffe who will be your friend immediately and as long as you have some green leaves. to offer him.

Source of main image: Lucag

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