Animals On The Verge Of Death In An Animal Welfare Center In Spain

Animals on the verge of death at an animal welfare center in Spain

We are saddened to have to tell you a story of mistreatment again, but  we believe it is necessary to raise awareness so that cases like these are less and less frequent. The way animals were treated in this animal protection center is sad but true.

It is natural to be saddened by stories about animal abuse, but if people paid to take care of animals give rise to phenomena like this, well the feelings experienced are one of greater indignation and helplessness. Here are the details of the story, in the hope that you will share them with as many people as possible, to put an end to these abuses.

The center for animal protection that mistreats dogs


It is located in Alcalá de Henares, a municipality near Madrid, and has the initials CIMPA (Integral Municipal Animal Protection Center). It is a municipal animal protection center that survives thanks to the resources allocated by the municipality of Alcalá and donations from animal lovers.

According to the Alcalá city councilor for the environment, the suspicions that something was wrong emerged when they realized that the funds allocated to the CIMPA did not cover the basic needs of the animals and plants. On the other hand, the members of the center did nothing to request extra funds, and this raised many doubts.

Thus the investigation was launched, which saw veterinarians, members of the Spanish Civil Guard and the police gather for a series of visits to the center which immediately revealed the state in which the animals were kept.

Many of the animals were hospitalized, most of them suffering from cachexia – extreme thinness. The animals not only did not receive adequate hygienic care, but were also undernourished and dehydrated.

Does it seem like little money to support the animals housed in the center?

In our opinion, no, but we leave it to you to judge. The center was sold to a rat extermination company following the elections in June 2014. A fund of around 80,000 euros per year was established.

If we consider that an average of less than one hundred animals per month live there, it does not seem a negligible figure that prevents us from feeding the animals and offering them a worthy quality of life. What would have happened if the City hadn’t gotten in the way?

The center disagrees

It is said that when we receive surprise visitors, the house is always in a mess … Could it be that we only clean up when we know that guests will arrive? The same happened with the Spanish center for animal protection. This was their sad excuse:


“No irregularities have ever emerged during visits by the Civil Guard, the police or the community. Not even in those of the municipal council, which had no reason to show up at CIMPA at dawn and without qualified personnel. The accusations are inappropriate and tarnish our work, removing prestige from the company “. Source: El País.

In other words, during the scheduled visits, the malnourished dogs were hidden, which of course was not possible for the surprise visit, which turned out to be a real ambush. That’s right, friends of CIMPA, it was an ambush and you were caught red-handed. How pleased we are!

The judge and the municipality did not pay attention to these ridiculous excuses with which the team of the center tried to climb the mirrors.

According to CIMPA, the vet had told them that the animals’ thinness was due to the cold. Yet, from June 2014 to November 2015 there were a total of 125 deaths among these poor creatures.

The report of the same veterinarian appointed by the members of the center clearly reveals that this is a case of animal maltreatment, in which the basic needs of the animals have not been met and the necessary measures concerning hygiene and care have not been completed. dog health.

The company has been removed from his post and is currently awaiting trial – hopefully they will pay for their shares. The Municipality has sold the center to another company, stating that “this is not just any association, they will have to watch over the good of other living beings, and this is fundamental for us”. Thanks Alcalá!

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