Daily Walk: Reasons To Adopt This Habit

Most dogs need a daily walk, and the most active need more than one. The amount and intensity of the walk will depend on the breed, physical condition and age of the dog. 
Daily walk: reasons for adopting this habit

Everyone knows that having a pet offers several health benefits for us humans. The daily walk with the dog is one of the benefits offered to us by this coexistence.

Regular physical activity with our pets is good for us and for them, and it can also be a lot of fun. There is no better training partner than a dog wagging its tail with enthusiasm while waiting at the door! Today we are going to talk about your dog’s daily walk and why it is such a crucial part of his routine.

5 reasons to walk your dog every day

1. The daily walk is an excellent opportunity to get active

Walking the dog every day is certainly an excellent solution to keep it active and in good physical condition. Nowadays, it is known that the daily walk helps to preserve the muscles and joints of the dog.

It is also very important to help the dog maintain a good weight. In case of overweight, the walk will help the animal to lose the extra pounds. Walking will reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as hypertension, liver disease and diabetes.

Walk the dog in the snow.

2. For the dog, walking is also a mental exercise

The walk offers the dog the opportunity to explore the neighborhood. In canine physiology, the exploration of the environment takes place through the sense of smell. It is therefore important to give him the opportunity to explore.

Smell is the primary sense of dogs, it is good to keep it in the chin. Much of the canine brain, in fact, is devoted to the processing of odors. This powerful sense needs to be stimulated. The simplest action we can take to enrich our dog’s life is to give him time to sniff during walks.

These “sniffing breaks” can only be done off the leash if the dog obeys the “let’s go” command to resume the walk. To keep the fun high, it is advisable to change routes from time to time.

3. Help the dog socialize

It may seem like a small thing to us, but for a shy dog ​​or puppy, the daily walk allows exposure to different people, dogs and situations.

A dog’s social skills are strengthened throughout his life with each new person and situation he encounters. Also in this case it is useful to slightly change the path to enrich the social experience of the animal.

4. The daily walk increases the dog’s confidence

Walking the dog every day also increases his confidence. According to experts, setting a routine provides safety and stability for the animal. This continuity confirms that his basic needs (water, food and shelter) will always be available.

Repeating certain activities, such as the daily walk and interactive play, help to increase confidence, especially in fearful or timid animals. The walk, therefore, helps us to make our dogs happy and safe.

It is important to remember that a dog who feels his needs met is less likely to adopt “survival mode”. This means that he will not be anxious to storm the garbage, devour the cat’s food or entertain himself by biting his shoes.

Dogs on the treadmill.

5. The daily walk strengthens the bond between dog and owner

Adopting the habit of walking our dogs every day strengthens the bond we have established with them. This activity is very rewarding for dogs, which is why it increases the attachment and sense of loyalty towards the owners.

In summary, walking is a relatively easy activity to do with a healthy dog ​​and offers great benefits to his life and ours. In the event that the animal suffers from osteoarthritis or other joint disorders, the veterinarian should be consulted to establish the right physical training program.

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