The Poodle: An Unmistakable Look

The Poodle: an unmistakable look

Whether you have chosen to adopt a poodle or who, instead, is already part of your family, you will certainly be interested in this article, in which we want to introduce you to a few more details of their aesthetic appearance.

The Tramps

Poodle or Poddle dogs, commonly known as Poodles,   were once considered to be a breed appropriate only to the noble class  and in many cases were used to retrieve game that fell into the water during hunting trips.

Over time, its spread became more popular and today it is one of the most popular dogs as a companion animal, thanks to its ability to coexist peacefully with humans.

Moreover, thanks to their aesthetic appearance, which lends itself to the creation of very versatile looks, it is not difficult to see them participate in dog shows or beauty contests. There are four types of Poodles, depending on their size: the Large Poodle, the Medium Poodle, the Miniature Poodle and the Toy Poodle.

The different types of Poodles and their appearance

As we have just said, the Poodle dog breed is divided into four distinct groups, depending on the size of the animal. To calculate the height of each specimen, the animal is measured from the ground to the withers. Here are the four groups and their respective measures:

Large-sized poodle

There are those who claim that it is the original breed : the other groups would be the result of numerous attempts to create smaller specimens. The height of the animals belonging to this category varies from 45 to 62 centimeters at the withers and, in order to participate in canine competitions, the specimens must have certain proportions.

A curiosity: during the official competitions, the large-sized Poodles are separated into two groups: a first group of specimens with black, white or brown fur, and a second group of specimens with gray, apricot or red fur. A finalist is selected for each group and then, between the two, the winner is elected.

Medium-sized poodle

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The height of these specimens ranges from 35 to 45 centimeters at the withers and only animals that do not have spots can participate in the canine competitions, as also happens for the other categories. The colors in this group are white, black, gray, brown, apricot and red.

Dwarf bum

Their height cannot exceed 35 centimeters at the withers and cannot be less than 28. In order to be admitted to canine competitions, they cannot show any traits of dwarfism.

They must be similar in all respects to their medium-sized cousins, only they must be smaller in size. During competitions, these specimens are also divided by color.

Toy poodle

Also known as “miniature”, its height, according to the breed standards, must not exceed 28 centimeters at the withers  and, as for the anterior category, it must not show traits of dwarfism. During canine contests, dogs of different colors compete together, in a single group.

It must be said that there are Poodle dogs that do not respect these measures: the latter, in fact, only correspond to the parameters of the breed standard required to participate in canine competitions.

For a long time it was decided to give priority to the smaller specimens, until it was realized that this was damaging the breed.

This change of criteria has made it so that we no longer try, at all costs, to raise animals that are too small, which are weaker and therefore destined to live much less. Today, the average life expectancy of a Poodle ranges from 12 to 15 years.

The fur of the Poodles

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One of the elements that makes this breed the one that most lends itself to changes of look, is obviously its coat : not only for the great variety of colors it presents, but especially because it is a coat of excellent quality, a factor that allows you to play. a lot with the image of these dogs. An additional advantage is that this breed is usually not subject to shedding.

Thanks to this so versatile hair, you can indulge yourself by changing the look of your furry friend with different cuts and new hairstyles, without fear of daring too much: in fact, the hair of these animals grows very quickly, so run for cover to remedy an unlucky cut. it shouldn’t be that problematic.

What you must not forget is to brush and wash it regularly, to always keep its coat in excellent condition, taking into account that the lighter your Poodle’s coat is, the more care will be needed for its hygiene.

In spite of everything, the effort will be worth it, since it is the best breed in terms of aesthetics.

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