Seven Tigers Under One Roof

Seven tigers under one roof

Can you imagine your surprise if, when you ask your children which pet they would like to adopt, they tell you that they want a tiger ? There are few families who decide to take a tiger as a pet, but there are. And today we tell you the story of a Brazilian family that has even adopted seven tigers!

Why are seven tigers as pets?

It all began with Ary Borges, who has always been a lover of these wonderful cats, even though he didn’t know much about them, nor how to take care of them. Even as a child, he refused to go to the circus, because he was convinced that there the tigers were mistreated and forced to live in poor conditions.

Precisely for this reason, when he had the opportunity to save two tigers from a circus, he did it immediately, without thinking twice. Eight years have passed since then.

The fact is that Ary had seen it clear from the beginning: the conditions in which these animals often live in circuses are really bad, to the point that in some countries animal shows have been banned, such as Austria and Croatia. By adopting these two tigers, Ary became the progenitor of the first family to have tigers as pets.

You read that right: he didn’t just save them and take them to a zoo or some animal protection association. He took them home with him so they could live with his daughters and granddaughter!

The life of a family with seven tigers


Despite the large size of Ary’s garden, the man never thought of leaving the two animals out, on the contrary: he was willing to do anything as long as they were part of the family in all respects.

Sometimes there has been talk of some famous person who, out of extravagance or egocentrism, has decided to adopt a tiger as a pet, but that a family has decided to adopt seven and live with them under the same roof is certainly a absolute novelty.

A failed breeding

Ary thought that, to safeguard the species, the ideal would have been to create a tiger farm at home, but the project fell through when the competent authorities told him that special permits were needed to carry out his project and that the total cost would be very high.

Since Ary had no intention of selling the future tiger cubs, and not being in the economic conditions necessary to carry out the project, he decided to abandon the idea of ​​breeding.

The life of tigers in Ary’s house

Once the breeding project was put aside, Ary and her family found themselves having not one, but seven tigers as pets! Obviously not everyone – including some family members – shares the way in which this family coexists with tigers: let’s see the reasons.

The seven tigers live under the house, as if they were little dogs: they sleep on the carpet, wander around the house, run in the garden. Ary’s granddaughter even goes for a walk astride one of these felines, not to mention Ary’s daughters, who feed the tigers, giving them meat directly with their hands, or take a bath with them. in the garden pool.

If you are a grandparent or a parent, you are probably putting your hands in your hair; but, according to Ary’s words, this family has transformed these seven tigers into real members of the same, thanks to the respect with which they have always treated them.

In fact, they all agree that the seven tigers have always behaved with love towards their masters, precisely because the latter have cared for, fed and treated them with affection since they were little. Ary is also planning to create a park for them to recreate their natural habitat.

It’s a story that is unbelievable, but it’s all true: watch the video below if you have any doubts!

With love and respect you go a long way

This story offers us a starting point to reflect on coexistence, since the earth belongs to both men and animals and, precisely for this reason, we should love and respect each other. The problem is that sometimes we are not even able to respect those of our kind. Therefore, the reactions of animals when they are in our presence are completely justified, since we have always and only approached them to harm them.

Yet this family is a living example of the fact that with respect and good feelings one can go far, even more than with greed and cruelty.

Don’t miss the video of Ary and his seven tigers!

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