The Pug: The Ideal Dog

The pug: the ideal dog

Are you looking for a dog breed that suits your needs and preferences? Choosing a mate for many years is not an easy task. Therefore, we must pay close attention to its characteristics. In this article we tell you all about pugs, small but affectionate dogs.           

Origins and characteristics of pugs

Although this breed originated in China, it has become particularly popular in the UK. The term “carlino” is due to an Italian actor known as “Carlin” who played Harlequin in the Parisian theater. The appearance of his character was reminiscent of the black mask characteristic of the muzzle of pugs.

Its “relatives” are larger dogs, such as the Pekingese (both breeds are favorites in Tibetan monasteries). It is believed that Dutch traders brought them from the east to Europe, and from there the breed spread mainly to England and France.

Since their arrival on this continent, pugs have been considered “luxury” dogs. This is due to the fact that they kept company with aristocrats and the most important characters in history. Among them, we remember Marie Antoinette, the Marquise of Pompadour, the Dukes of Windsor and Giuseppina Bonaparte. In the modern age, they are animals known as protagonists of numerous films and TV series (for example “The Adventures of Milo and Otis”, “Pocahontas” and “Men in black”).

Regarding the physical appearance of this breed, we can note that it is a small dog, muscular and well proportioned (even if the head is large compared to the body). The muzzle is covered with folds and is square, the eyes dark and large and the ears of two types: “button” (bent forward) or “pink” (bent backwards).

The pug’s coat is soft, shiny and dense. It has two variations in color: silver or apricot. The black mask is typical. The tail is spiral-shaped with one or two turns. It can weigh between 6 and 10 kg and measure from 30 to 40 cm.

Behavior and character of pugs

It is undoubtedly a particular breed, not only from an aesthetic point of view. The official motto of this dog is “Multum in parvo” (which means “very little”). The pug is very affectionate and loves to play at all hours. He needs constant company and if he is alone he can develop separation anxiety.

It is not recommended to adopt it if there are small children in the house, or if we will spend too many hours outside. This dog requires a lot of attention and, if he doesn’t get it, he can even get sick. The pug is very sociable and does well with other dogs and people of all ages. He is joyful and loves to attract attention.

He doesn’t often tolerate intense games (another reason not to adopt him if we have small children in the house). Socialize easily, as long as training begins as soon as he is a puppy. Other “requirements” are to encourage him to exercise every day and play constantly with him so that he does not get bored and undertake to destroy furniture or objects.

Pug care

Author: wombatarama

A very important factor when adopting a dog is knowing what care they need. In the case of the pug, it is essential to brush it once or twice a week, to prevent it from shedding hair.

It is also necessary that he takes moderate exercise and daily walks, remembering that his sturdy structure and his flattened snout do not allow him to be too intense activity. Hot, humid climates are not ideal for him. Also, pay attention to his eyes because, being very prominent, he is likely to get hurt.

Wrinkles on the face can collect dirt and secretions. You can wash the muzzle of the pug once a week, with the help of a cotton swab moistened in warm water (the same goes for the eyes). Button type ears can cause some problems, accumulating moisture from fungus or infections.

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