Marco, The Boy Who Saves Stray Dogs

Marco, the boy who saves stray dogs

Marco is 14 years old, but his tastes are very different from those of other teenagers. He is not interested in video games and does not stay for hours watching TV. Since he was little, he has a special love for animals, especially dogs. His is not a theoretical sentiment because he devotes his free time to taking animals off the road and now dreams of opening his own shelter.

Marco, the boy who saves stray dogs, now dreams of opening his own shelter

stray dogs-in-the-shelter

Marco saves stray and abandoned dogs. He takes them, gives them food and drink, washes them and finally looks for a family who can adopt them.

His first “rescue” he did together with his brother Franco: three puppies in a box, three puppies of a few weeks. They took the puppies home, cleaned them, fed them for a while and then tried to fix them. They found a family they were friendly with. This was the beginning of a wonderful mission: not to leave any dog ​​abandoned in the street. 

Marco is not alone in this adventure, because his desire to help stray animals is contagious; his brother, sister-in-law and his parents help him in the business. In addition, Marco already has a girlfriend, who has taken on the task of publishing photos of stray dogs and looking for a family on social networks.

Every day, Marco walks carefully, aware that in any place a box with abandoned puppies or an ownerless dog looking for food in the garbage could be hiding. His big dream is to open a shelter for stray dogs.

At school he does not like to talk about his activity, for fear of being criticized or made fun of, even if he assures that he has not yet said it because he has not had the opportunity. It is an activity that Marco perhaps wants to keep to himself, even if it is to be hoped that now, having acquired a bit of notoriety, there are many friends and classmates who want to help him in this business of his.

Dogs and abandonment

With the current crisis, the number of abandoned dogs has increased significantly and does not exclude purebred dogs. It must be remembered that stray dogs are not always abandoned animals ; in some cases we can speak of lack of attention or responsibility on the part of the owner who leaves the dog without custody.

Often, dogs, driven by instinct or smell, follow their own track and move away from their owner or home. If the dog has not been spayed or neutered, the risk is greater.

How to behave when we see an abandoned dog?


First, take a good look at it and approach it slowly. This way you can see how the animal reacts, if it trembles, crouches, growls or assumes a defensive position. Do not look him in the eye, as this generates apprehension in the animal. The ideal would be to offer him something to eat or drink, placing the food next to him and taking a few steps away.

It is important to try to understand if the animal is injured, if it limps, if it has a collar or other identifying elements, such as a medal.

A quick solution to the problem is to take the dog to a vet so that he can check if he has a microchip.

If you can trace the owner, the best thing is to make an appointment to return the animal. It is likely that the owner will thank us sincerely and that the dog is delighted to find the person he loves most in the world.

If it is not possible to trace the owner, a good idea is to take a picture of the dog, and then stick it in the area where you found it. You can also take advantage of the local social networks, or contact the associations that deal with lost dogs. The more you spread the photo of the dog, the greater the chances of finding the owner.

And if, finally, you just can’t locate the owner, adopting the animal can be a great option. 

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