How To Clean Tear Stains In Dogs

Tear spots occur in almost all breeds, but are most often appreciated on types of dogs that tend to have white or light colored fur.
How to clean tear stains in dogs

If you have a dog, surely you have already noticed some brown tearing spots appearing just below the eyes. Someone may worry about this strange skin manifestation. In reality it is something natural, which can be caused by several factors.

Usually, tear stains are the result of the accumulation of tear fluid. In this article we will explain better what they are, why they appear and, above all, what needs to be done to clean and remove them.

Brown tear stains in dogs

The epiphora, this is the scientific name of the problem, is produced by the excessive tearing of the eyes. It leaves a brown or dark red residue on the coat. This aesthetic phenomenon occurs in almost all breeds, but is most often appreciated on types of dogs that tend to have white or light colored fur.

The cause is the oxidation of the minerals present in the tears which crystallize on the fur of the animal. In addition to oxidation, some bacteria and fungi settle in the affected area and help discolor the area. Other elements such as breed, age and diet play a major role in the possibility of these tear spots appearing in dogs.

The good thing in this case is that brown spots are not a health risk, as such. If anything, the causes of this event could be hiding some problems.

Dog's eye seen up close

Epiphora is a symptom of the pet’s tear canal obstruction. Something very common in small breeds, with short or flat snouts. In some cases, excessive tearing is due to the appearance of an agent that irritates the eyes, such as waste or an allergy that affects the same eye.

In any case, removing these stains  is very simple  in most cases. Only on specific occasions is the treatment complicated. But, in any case, you can easily hide this unpleasant aspect.

Treatment against tear stains

Before applying any treatment, the first thing is to have a check-up at the vet, in order to rule out any more serious and serious pathologies. If there is an obstruction, the doctor may perform a procedure called flushing to uncover the canal.

Regardless of whether it is an infection, your vet will recommend an appropriate antibiotic to treat the area, as appropriate. Once you have verified that it is not something complicated, all you have to do is clean this area yourself, at home.

It is true that there are products in pet stores that help eliminate these brown tear stains, but to save money, here are some practical alternatives based on DIY remedies .

Person cleans tear stains from his dog

One of the most immediate recommendations is to remove what hinders or prevents the animal’s vision. Too long hair and bangs cause the animal to release an excessive amount of tears. This results in the appearance of the famous brown spots under the eyes.

Using a towel or cotton ball and a little warm water, you can gently clean the affected area, always trying not to scare or hurt the animal. The process takes about 10 minutes and, at the end, small drops of eye drops for dogs will be applied, against irritation.

Keep in mind that dogs tend to scratch wet areas more. Therefore, the use of an Elizabethan collar may be necessary. Never apply chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide, as it can have serious consequences for the dog’s skin and eyes.

Other solutions for the problem

In homes, even if few know it, there are many natural products that will allow you to fight this strange discoloration. There are also tricks that will allow you to prevent the appearance of such unsightly brown spots :

  • Filtered water : does not contain any agents or minerals that can cause these spots to appear, as well as being healthier for the animal in general.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar : Give your dog a small amount with each meal, in a few doses initially, so that he can get used to the flavor. The vinegar will change your body’s pH, preventing bacteria from appearing.
  • Modify your diet : some brands of feed mix plant and animal proteins, which can cause an allergic reaction in your four-legged friend. Consider changing your diet to a higher quality feed.

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