In Their Hearts There Is Room For Great Feelings

There is room in their hearts for great feelings

Having a dog means having a friend, a partner to play sports with, someone who wipes our tears, who is always by our side when we are sick, who makes us laugh and who teaches us to love. Many times we have heard the phrase: “The more I know people, the more I love animals”. Unlike people, our animals have no room in their hearts for bad feelings like hatred, resentment or selfishness. Their little hearts are full of good feelings.

Without a doubt, living in a world poor in love and other good qualities, we must be grateful to be able to live alongside someone who, despite having a heart among the smallest on a physical level, is capable of showing us many good feelings, even if it is “only” an animal.

What feelings do they harbor in their little hearts?


child kisses cat

Yes, we already know what you are thinking: your dog doesn’t want to share anything with anyone. Well, it’s perfectly normal that he doesn’t want his food, water or toys to be taken by other dogs or strangers. Would you lend your car to someone you don’t know? Obviously not! But when was the last time your dog denied something to you?

Furthermore,  generosity is not only about material things, but also about time, energy and everything that someone can make available to others. Doesn’t your dog do this for you? Of course yes!


Putting yourself in another person’s place is not easy. Not even many people are able to do it. The “little hearts” of our animals, on the other hand, possess this ability. They obviously don’t think about how the other person might feel, because they are not rational beings like us.

However, empathy goes beyond feeling sorry for someone or thinking about how the other might feel. It is about actions and the desire to do something that can help someone. And this is what your dog did during the time he spent with you. Pamper you when he saw you cry, sit with you at the foot of the bed when you were sick, jump around you when he saw you angry, in an attempt to make you laugh or ask for caresses when he realized you were stressed.


It doesn’t matter how you talked to him, it doesn’t matter if you gave him a spanking because he misbehaved or if you told him to leave because he was demanding attention that you couldn’t give him at the time. Your pet will always come to you when you call him, forgetting everything in less than a minute. Do you know why? For love.


master strokes dog on the muzzle

Without a doubt , love is the greatest feeling that dwells in the hearts of dogs. It is supposed to be the engine that moves the world, but unfortunately it has been replaced by money.

But animals are not interested in money or ambition, they only know how to correspond to the love that is given to them, to be grateful for the care that is given to them, to love unconditionally until their death or that of their master.


Exactly. Have you ever noticed the patience your dog shows when he is surrounded by children? They climb on top of him, pull his tail or ears, open his mouth forcibly … and he nothing, he lets himself be tortured peacefully. They can spend hours and nights under the cradle of a baby, protecting it, taking care of it.

These are just some of the demonstrations of the good feelings that dwell in the hearts of our animals. No doubt this analysis obliges us to  examine our conscience and ask ourselves if we ourselves possess these qualities. It is nice and sad at the same time to realize that animals have all these beautiful feelings, while there are people who are totally unable to demonstrate even one of them!

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