Breeding Canaries: All You Need To Know

Breeding canaries: everything you need to know

Canaries are wonderful animals that emit one of the most beautiful songs in the world. This is why many want to take care of them, and today we will give you some tips on how to do it.

What to consider when breeding canaries?

The cage

The cage is one of the most important elements for raising canaries. Choose one that is large enough for the birds to move around,  but at the same time it can be placed in a spacious place and is easy to clean.

You will need to have two separators to put inside,  one with grids and one opaque, to prevent the canaries from coming together and seeing each other ahead of time.

The passenger compartment must always be  perfectly clean. Wash the cage base every day, and wash the food and water bowls at least twice a week. This will prevent newborn canaries from contracting any diseases or infections.


Millet is the basis of the diet of canaries,  even if it must be associated with a mixture of cereals and, twice a week,  with fruit and vegetables. The cuttlefish bone and the grit must always be at their disposal.

millet for canaries

Obviously,  once the little ones arrive, they will need a pasta made especially for them, as well as millet and vegetables. One of the most recommended is broccoli, as its properties are very beneficial for babies.

Preparation for mating

Light is crucial for breeding canaries. The mating period occurs between the end of February and the entire month of March, and about 20-30 days later the two birds will join.

While they are away, you will have to give the two birds the paste for the small canaries, so that they get used to the smell and taste  when the latter arrive. Also, you need to give him an extra dose of calories and vitamins, especially the mother-to-be, as he will need more energy than usual.

The nest

Not being in its natural habitat, it will be difficult for the mother to create a nest for herself, so you can do two things:  buy one or provide it with the necessary material to do it on her own.

If you decide to buy it,  take some goat hair  for the mother to use to fill the nest and form a kind of egg bed. This will allow them to stay warm and that the little ones are comfortable once they are born.

small canaries in the nest

The eggs

The eggs will arrive one by one each day. Generally, there will be a maximum of six. Once the first one arrives, we recommend that you replace it with a plastic one and put the real one in a container with millet and turn them every day.

Do the same with the others until you get to four and the mother can incubate them all together. This will avoid competition between the little ones.

These are the steps to follow in raising canaries, angel singing birds and many suitable as pets.

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