A Man Breaks The Window Of A BMW To Save The Life Of A Dog

A man breaks the window of a BMW to save a dog's life

The news we are telling you today concerns a man who broke the windows of a car parked in the sun in order to save the life of a dog that was inside the vehicle. The incident happened in Canada, but it could have happened anywhere in the world as irresponsible owners continue to leave their dogs at the mercy of certain death despite mounting warnings. On the other hand, there are more and more people who are attentive to these issues and who try to save pets from these real deadly traps. 

Find out details on how a puppy was rescued in Ontario

The facts are as follows: it was 32 degrees in Grand Bend, a community located along the shores of Lake Huron, in southern Ontario (Canada). In the middle of a festival, a dog was barking desperately inside a black BMW parked in the sun. This latter figure should make us think that the temperature inside a vehicle can reach 50 degrees or more in a matter of minutes.

The organizers of the event called with a megaphone the owner of the car, as well as the owner of the animal, but he did not show up. For this reason, without hesitation, a man took a large stone and began to hit the glass of one of the windows of the vehicle, until it broke and, thus, recovered the pet in front of the joy and applause of those present.

We leave you a video that illustrates the situation.

As for the dog’s owner, he appeared only an hour later.

Because it is dangerous to leave animals in parked vehicles

It should be borne in mind that  inside a stationary vehicle, temperatures increase in a few minutes and, moreover, dogs do not tolerate heat well. For this reason, we at My Animals never tire of repeating: never, never leave your furry friends alone in the car.

Although they occur mostly during the summer seasons, the interior temperature of a car can drastically increase even on mild or cloudy days or even when the vehicle is parked in the shade. 

There is always a risk that the animal will suffer from serious health problems and may even die from heat stroke. Furthermore, leaving the windows slightly open does not solve the problem, because the degrees inside the car increase equally as a result of the heating of the roof and of the entire metal mass of the vehicle.

How to proceed to save the life of a dog locked in a car

If you happen to see a dog alone locked inside a vehicle and with obvious symptoms of a heat stroke, do not remain indifferent. Instead, follow the steps below:

  • Try to locate the master  nearby.
  • Contact the authorities  to take care of the problem. You find yourself facing a case of animal abuse and, for this reason, you can and must report it.
  • If you don’t get any answers and the animal’s situation worsens,  look for witnesses and proceed to save the dog’s life by pulling him out of the car as best you can.
  • Give it water and try to cool the animal  while you wait for the owner or the authorities to arrive.
  • If the dog’s health situation is serious, take him to a veterinarian urgently.

Saving the life of a dog or other animal is worth more than a car window

Material damage to an asset, in this case a car, should not be taken into account when life is in danger, even if some people think differently.

However, a number of legal changes are gradually taking place. For example, in several US states there is already a legal provision that authorizes the breaking of vehicle doors or windows if there is an animal in danger of death inside.

Without going too far, a similar story recently took place in our country where the Carabinieri, unable to get in touch with the owner of the animal, proceeded to break a car window to save the life of a dog, in this case a Pitbull, exhausted by the heat.

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