Little Dog Gives Hugs To Strangers On The Street

Dog gives hugs to strangers on the street

In New York there is an affectionate dog who gives hugs to those who cross her path. This is a sweet Golden retriever. Tourists and locals alike have fallen in love with Louboutina or “Loubie”, the affectionate dog, who does not hesitate to show her affection to any stranger.

The name of this affectionate dog is linked to the shoe designer Christian Louboutin. This is one of the people most admired by César Fernández Chavez, the owner of this cute animal, who ensures that there is no longer a walk during which people do not ask for a “canine” hug.

Louboutina’s owner says “it’s a walk full of hugs, lots of people assure us that we brighten up their day.”

The first hug of the affectionate dog

It all started on Valentine’s Day 2014. It was at that moment that Loubie began to take her master’s hands, right after he ended an affair. He assures that the dog began to take his hands with her paws, and then crossed one paw over the other, realizing the hug.

Loubie was never trained to hug people.

The hug of a dog

Anyone who has a dog at home knows very well the sensation that can be felt in receiving a hug from your pet. It is moving and conveys a great positive energy.

It is said that stroking a dog’s back is an excellent way to fight against stress, to relax, to forget sad moments.

And it’s even more positive to receive a sudden hug, for no apparent reason. There are dogs, as in Loubie’s case, who know this very well. This is why they tend to often hug their masters, to show them loyalty, admiration and affection.

The master’s embrace

For dogs, hugs are considered an act of domination by their owner. Whatever our intentions are when we give them a hug, the animal will associate it with an act by which we owners assert our power over them.

While some dogs tolerate hugs well and feel comfortable when they are given one, others may feel threatened or fearful. There are also animals that do not allow themselves to be hugged. There are others who defend themselves by growling or trying to bite.

A very curious fact is that the same dog can come to appreciate the hugs of a family member but, on the other hand, it can react differently with another person of the same family. A clear sign that our friend does not like a hug too much is the fact that he remains with a very tense body, or that he bows his head, but with little conviction.

Caresses to our dog

Petting or touching our dog is something that appears very simple, but which many times we do not do in the right way. The response from our canine friend can be a bit unpredictable.

As a preventive measure, it is important that every time we are going to pet a dog that is not ours, we ask the owner if we can do it, to avoid any surprises.

There are many ways to pet a dog, and each of them presents a different response from the animal.

The most appreciated caresses by dogs are those on the chest or on the side. We will get the most negative answers if we try to caress him or take his muzzle with our hands. We don’t even have to touch its paws.

A great tolerance

Dogs are very tolerant animals. It is not easy for them to protest in front of a caress made badly. Unless you do it very insistently. On many occasions, the dog stays still, without reacting. If we notice that the dog is reticent or even recoils when we pet him in a certain way, it will certainly be because he does not like it.

The trick that always works is to say affectionate and cheerful words to our friend. In this way we will notice that the animal will interact more and more with us. We will see that it will lean forward. If it moves its tail continuously or throws itself with its paws upwards, it will be great.


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