Cirneco Dell’Etna, A Small And Agile Hunter

Cirneco dell'Etna, a small and agile hunter

Dogs are truly extraordinary animals. There are many types, all with unique qualities and characteristics. There are some very famous and popular ones. Others are less known but just as interesting, just like Cirneco dell’Etna. It is a little known breed, it has the appearance of a half-breed, but instead hides a very long history and a big and loving heart. If you are an animal lover and you are fascinated by new things, in this article we will reveal the characteristics and merits of this infallible hunter.

Cirneco dell’Etna: origin and history

This very interesting animal is a type of idicenco podenco that inhabits the island of  Sicily. Few people know that it is a millennial dog breed, believed to be descended from the hunting dogs of Ancient Egypt. And it is likely that the Phoenicians spread this popular breed throughout the Mediterranean during their travels.

There is documentary evidence of the existence of Cirneco dell’Etna, for example mosaics or vases from several centuries before Christ. In short, we are talking about one of the oldest hunting dog breeds ever.

Physical characteristics

This dog is medium in size, with a slim, elegant and compact body, but with strong and defined musculature. With respect to height, males measure between 45 and 50 centimeters at the withers, with a weight that varies between 12 and 15 kilos. The female specimens, as often happens, have smaller measures: between 40 and 45 centimeters in height, for a weight from eight to 10 kg.

The Cirneco dell’Etna has a short but thick coat, softer on the ear and paw area. As for the colors, the coat has many different shades of brown, from the lightest beige to the most intense brown. Sometimes it is possible to find specimens with small but elegant white spots, mainly present on the belly, chest, or forehead.

The head is narrow and the nose elongated and pointed. The part that descends from the skull to the muzzle is not just pronounced. Its ears, pointed, are turned forward, high on the skull and close enough to each other. The eyes are small and can be amber, ocher or hazel. They must never be black, gray or yellow.

Temperament and personality

Being a derivation of the podenco, the Cirneco dell’Etna is an excellent hunting dog. His specialty is tracking small animals, such as rabbits, and chasing them until he traps them.

It is a dog that moves in an agile and elegant way, loves to jump between rocks and is able to run and climb with ease through the slopes of the mountains such as those of the Etna volcano, where it comes from. In hunting, he is quiet and intelligent.

It is also worth noting that it fits perfectly into life in the house. This dog is loyal and affectionate  with its owner and can easily become your best four-legged friend. He will use his hunting skills to protect his family and home.

He is a quiet dog, but he needs to discharge excess energy. It depends on the owner, he loves being with him and this, if not careful, can manifest itself negatively with an obsessive attitude. They are tolerant and persevering and if you want to use this dog for hunting, you will first need to train it to avoid overly aggressive behavior and prevent it from escaping or getting lost.

Cirneco dell'Etna in the garden

Taking care of Cirneco dell’Etna

If you are considering adopting this ancient dog, you are in luck as it will need very little attention. She has a short coat, so with regular baths and a single brushing weekly she will look clean and shiny. In times of moulting it is advisable to increase the frequency of brushing to eliminate dead hair and prevent skin problems.

The breed does not suffer from typical congenital diseases although, like all hunting dogs, frequent checks should be made to check for parasites. Ticks transmit dangerous diseases and during their walks in the open air, the Cirneco dell’Etna could be affected.

It does not need special veterinary examinations, just follow the normal vaccine schedule and visit the veterinarian as if it were a normal dog.

The constitution of this canid is robust and strong. For his physical and mental well-being, he needs to take great walks in the fresh air. It loves woods, forests and, above all, hilly and mountain areas. Here he will be able to release his hunting instincts, run, smell and release excess stress.

However, they are stubborn dogs: therefore, training based on punishment or the imposition of orders will not work. Use the positive reinforcement technique and pamper him. Being a very intelligent dog, training him will be child’s play this way.

The Cirneco dell’Etna is an ancient dog that spread throughout the Mediterranean, choosing Sicily as its home. It is a robust, intelligent animal with a very long history which is a guarantee of fidelity and balance.

These animals are fearsome hunters, endowed with an infallible nose and very precise eyesight. If you want them to be peaceful domestic dogs, remember that in the city they may suffer from the lack of the natural and wild habitat they are used to. Bring your Cirneco dell’Etna often to the park, play with it and dedicate time to it. This breed is particularly active and represents an important link in the ancient bond between man and dog, for its purity and nobility.

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