The Most Curious Monkey Species

The most curious monkey species

Very rare and peculiar animals are often shown in documentaries and TV programs, and lately also in Internet videos. Well, in this article we have decided to introduce you to what, in our opinion, are the  most curious monkey species in the world.

Currently, it is estimated that there are over 100 varieties of the infraorder Simiiformes, including humans. Well, among all these there are four that are really worth knowing. Are you ready to discover, with us, the  most curious species of monkeys ? To do that, you just have to keep reading.

4 most curious monkey species

1. Nasic

This prominent nosed monkey ( Nasalis larvatus ) – in the image that opens this article – is known to appear in many magazines and even in some zoo advertisements. Its main feature is undoubtedly its nasal protuberance. Although he is an excellent climber and jumper, (he loves to jump from tree to tree) he is also an incredible swimmer. She uses this skill to find food or to escape danger, as she can swim across long streams.

His pink face is unique in the world, which makes him easily recognizable. Regardless of whether he is male or female, the size of his nose does not differ, nor does that of his highly developed belly. It feeds on leaves and is 100% omnivorous. It has a very efficient digestive system: think that it has a stomach so large that it represents 25% of its body weight.

2. Bald Uacari

In this brown-haired monkey, the red color of his face, forehead and upper skull stand out visibly. All these parts are hairless, that is, devoid of hair, and appear to have been burned by the sun. It is one of the lightest monkeys in the world and rarely exceeds 3.5 kilos.

the face of a bald Uacari

The Bald Uacari lives in trees and can usually be seen in the Amazon Basin. They are social animals and it is difficult to see just one, as they tend to form groups of 5 to 55 members.

Its diet consists of different foods such as seeds, fruits, flowers, some invertebrate beings and buds of various cereals, flowers or plants. Like the Nasica, unfortunately, this is also a species affected by climate change. Its population is currently estimated to have declined by 30% over the past three decades.

3. Golden Presbyopic

Its gold-colored coat is arguably the most striking of the most curious monkey species. His black face is very reminiscent of human features, even in the form of expressing his emotions. We must also highlight the length of its tail, which reaches 50 centimeters and which allows it to move from one tree to another without any problem.

a golden Presbyopic clinging to a branch

The Golden Loggerhead is great at finding water, as although he lives in trees, he knows how to use dry leaves to collect rainwater. It is able to survive by drinking the natural gel produced by aloe plants. Its diet, like most monkeys, consists of fruit, green leaves, seeds and flowers.

4. Silenus

It is also called the “white bearded monkey” due to its unmistakable appearance. It lives in southeastern India and is in danger of extinction. It is believed that only 4,000 specimens remain currently in the wild. His whole body is covered in leafy fur, except for his hands, feet and some parts of his face.

Silenus screams through the branches with his mouth open

His abundant beard, which gives him a lion-like appearance, can reach 60 centimeters in length and is lighter in color than the rest of the fur. It is one of the smallest monkeys and its weight is around three kilos.

Did you like these more curious monkey species? Did you know any of them? They are unique and fascinating and, all, distant relatives of man. Maybe it is possible that you have a friend or family member who looks like him… In this case, please let us know by commenting on this article!

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