8 European Dog Breeds Not To Be Missed

8 European dog breeds not to be missed

Although most of the European dog breeds come from countries such as Germany, France and Spain, there are many types of dogs from the Old Continent that are worth discovering and getting to know. In this article we have decided to introduce you to the 8 most famous European dog breeds.   

The most famous European dog breeds

If it is true that these beautiful specimens had their birth in old Europe, today it is possible to find them in homes and farms all over the world. We are talking about dogs with a long history behind them, with interesting characteristics that you can discover below:

1. Boxer

This German breed is of the Molosser type , of medium size, and was used in World Wars to send messages, collect the bodies of wounded soldiers, or carry communications cables. In addition, it possesses a strong head that ends with a powerful jaw, the classic flat muzzle and a short coat that covers the thick and resistant skin. The ears are triangular and fall to the sides of the head, but in some countries they are cut off for “aesthetic” reasons. Fortunately, this violent practice is gradually disappearing in many countries. It is a very active, faithful, alert animal , in some cases dominant and very territorial.

boxer dog lying in a park

2. Spanish Mastiff

It is one of the European breeds that abounds in rural areas and is used to protect livestock. This large dog is also muscular and powerful, has thick fur and can weigh 70 kg (it is the largest of the Spanish breeds). In addition, he is elegant, wary of strangers, devoted to his masters, and loves to be with children. His guard dog instinct is superior to that of any other canid.

3. Dogue de Bordeaux

Of French origin, this dog is large in size and is included in the guard dog group. It is the oldest breed in the transalpine country, it has a large head, short muzzle, wide-spaced eyes (green or honey colored) and drooping ears. In addition, it can live up to 10 years and its coat is short, mahogany or fawn in hue. The Dogue de Bordeaux is very affectionate, attached to his family, loyal and calm. He suffers a lot from loneliness and, if left too alone, can become aggressive.

4. Neapolitan Mastiff

This dog breed originates from our country, in particular from the Naples area  ,  and is one of the oldest and most renowned in the world. Descendant of the Tibetan mastiff, it was brought to Italy by Alexander the Great. Of powerful build, it has a large, pronounced structure, with a very long back. Compared to its specificities, the Italian Mastiff is a dog that loves to protect the family and its home. Very intelligent, with a noble personality, he is majestic, determined and loyal. It never bites, except for good reason.

5. Beagle

Made famous thanks to the English nobility, this cute little dog is small to medium in size, with short legs and lowered ears. The breeding of this breed began more than 2000 years ago, although the type we know today was born in the first half of the 19th century. The Beagle is linked to the Elizabethan period: the queen has always had a great passion for this breed, coming to own several specimens. Together with the Dog of St. Hubert (or Bloodhound ), the Beagle is one of the dogs with the most powerful sense of smell in the world. It is a gentle, cheerful, affectionate animal. A little shy, he is determined and has a keen intelligence.

6. Collie

It is of Scottish origin and also very popular in the north of England. Used as a sheepdog in the mountains, the most common is the longhaired type, thanks to the popularity that the movie “Lassie” gave to the breed. There are also examples with short and curly hair, although the subrace of the Border Collie (with semi-long hair) certainly stands out. It is a very sweet animal, easy to train, loyal, an excellent life partner, but wary of those who do not know.

the muzzle of a border collie

7. Brussels Griffon

This plush dog comes from Belgium and belongs to the group of “three small Belgians”, together with the Little Brabant and the Belgian Griffon. Its flat muzzle is dominated by two very large eyes. Its head has a nice round shape and a weight of about 4 kg. It is a  perfect companion dog, intelligent, proud and robust.

8. Welsh Terrier

It is one of the oldest known terriers, and was created for hunting foxes, badgers and rodents in the mid-18th century. It requires firm and constant training. Small in stature, it has a square and elegant structure. The head is large, with a medium sized nose, while the tail is straight. The coat is thick and shaggy, an evolutionary stratagem to protect from the cold. In addition, he is a very active, outgoing and friendly animal. He can be shy with strangers.

We have just seen the 8 most famous European dog breeds. Alongside these we find others that will surely interest you:

  • Cocker Spaniel (England)
  • Golden Retriever (Scotland)
  • Doberman (Germany)
  • Poodle (France)
  • Maltese (Italy)
  • Bernese Mountain Dog (Switzerland).

Main image source: Wade Brooks

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