5 Animals That Can Live In An Apartment

All animals need their own space. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose the type of pet based on the size of our apartment.
5 animals that can live in an apartment

Choosing a pet for our home is not a decision that can be made quickly. A number of aspects need to be considered, as it is clear that animals have certain needs. In this article, you will find a small list of animals that can live in an apartment.

Is choosing the right pet important?

Of course yes. It’s a decision that affects both our future pet and us and our family, and it’s not just a question of space. We must take into account other aspects, such as the hours of attention that we can devote to it, our daily lifestyle or the climate of the area in which we live.

It is important to be consistent with the decision made, as happiness and pleasant coexistence with our pet will depend on it.

Cats, the ideal houseplants

Along with the dog – and perhaps more dog – the cat is the animal home par excellence. He is independent and, as he does not need to go for walks, he is used to living indoors. These characteristics make it one of the most popular pets in apartments, as it adapts to small spaces and is a faithful and affectionate companion.

Woman caressing the cat.

Obviously, it is still an animal that will need certain care. Another important aspect has to do with the breed, as some cats are more predisposed to apartment living than others. The most common breeds are the Persian cat or the British shorthair.

The domestic chinchilla, a calm and friendly animal

We are faced with an increasingly common rodent as a pet. The chinchilla ( Chinchilla lanigera × Chinchilla chinchilla ) is a gentle and very sociable pet. It has a life expectancy of around 10-15 years, which in some cases can be even longer.

Domestic chinchilla.
The chinchilla does not require special care, only a cage suitable for its size and with everything necessary for eating, drinking, playing and sleeping. It is best to place the cage in a cool environment and avoid stressful situations, as they are delicate animals that get stressed easily.

The dog, the choice of many among the apartment animals

Another pet par excellence is the dog, a faithful and sociable companion. As with cats, it goes without saying that if we don’t have a lot of space in our apartment, it’s best to choose a small breed.

Langhaar dachshund.
Some small dogs to choose from are:

  • Pekingese.
  • Yorkshire Terrier.
  • Mini Schnauzer.
  • German dachshund.

That said, it’s important to point out that dogs need daily care and attention. It is important that you take into account the hours you spend at home, daily exercise and the time you can devote to your dog. Starting from these considerations, you can choose one breed over another.

Freshwater fish and turtles

Our last recommendation has to do with aquatic pets, which are undoubtedly a good option if we have a small apartment. Freshwater fish adapt very well to any environment if we provide them with an aquarium suitable for their size.

Colorful fish.
Among the fish for small aquariums there is certainly the guppy or lebistes (scientific name Poecilia reticulata ) because it is easy to take care of and because it does not need much space to live.

Another example is the fighting fish or Siamese fighting fish ( Betta splendens) , with its beautiful colors. These animals can live in small aquariums – from 30 to 40 liters – and adapt without problems.

The turtle, among the pets

The turtle is another of the aquatic pets that can live in an apartment. She is easy to breed and is renowned for her calmness. With a small terrarium that includes a dry area and some water, we can raise a turtle indoors without major problems. A good diet, as well as cleaning the terrarium, will make her grow up healthy and happy.

Small turtle.  Pets apartment.

Of course, having a turtle involves a long-term commitment. They are animals that can live for many years and in some cases reach considerable dimensions. Therefore, it is important to take these two factors into account and commit to taking better care of our pet.

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